Saturday, March 22, 2003
Readers Are Crazy Bastards
I've been keeping a list of my reading since 1980 and consider keeping the list a little bit crazy though reading through it brings back fond memories, not only the books, but what I was doing at that time of my life. Here is a fellow that has been keeping a list since 1974 that makes me look like a piker. He keeps track of number of books read 2032. Total number of pages 446102. The average length of each book 219.5 pages. The average time to read a book 5 days and average reading per day 44.33 pages. He keeps individual years, longest books, most frequently read authors, amazon sales rank. In addition he has a comprehensive set of charts and graphs quite remarkable. It looks like he has been slowing down a bit in recent years so perhaps I'll make a race of it. I won't however be adding charts and graphs to my list, that would just take away from my reading time.