Friday, March 28, 2003

An Easy War

Bush administration officials now say they never promised an easy war -- but the record shows otherwise Cakewalk via Salon and my two cents worth

Richard Perle said when we asked
That support for Saddam was long past
We'll shock him
Then awe him
I know that he'll quickly collapse

Christopher Hitchens promised no war.
An intervention is all then we score
Emancipation I say
Will come in just days
I'm right now it's the left I deplore

Dick Cheney said we are not lacking
We'll send Republican Guards packing
They'll just step aside
It'll be a free ride
For Saddam a well deserved whacking

Donald said we never will veer
The course of the war is quite clear
We'll send in the tanks
On that you can bank
Saddam will run when we're near

Dub said Iraq I promise you this
Saddam will be gone I insist
I'll drop some JDams
I will get my man
If you don't survive you'll be missed