Thursday, March 27, 2003

Iraqi Supporters in New York

New York (Faux News)&mdash The Pentagon is reporting pockets of Iraqi supporters on the ground in Manhattan. They won't be a big problem Major General McDonald said, it is a case of onesy's and twoseys. Observers on the ground in New York however are reporting nearly 400. There my be some casualties, many were seen lying on their backs. Some are saying they are just protestors a contention being hotly disputed by the military. This is not good. A route that should be taking minutes to negotiate is taking hours, said one official. The chief problem is that our flanks are exposed to irregulars complicating matters. One hundred and forty of the "Iraqi supporters" have been taken into custody. When asked by a reporter on the scene if they would be considered prisoners of war an official scoffed; "they were not even wearing uniforms they are clearly illegal combatants."