A Never-Ending "War Against Terrorism"
by Thom Hartmann
During this lull in the fighting between the 2002 election cycle Iraq conflict and the soon-to-come 2004 election cycle conflict, it's a good time to (anonymously) sit in a library or bookstore and browse "The Turner Diaries" and Gore Vidal's "Perpetual War For Perpetual Peace."
The former was the inspiration for Timothy McVeigh; the latter includes his self-written eulogy. Together, they show how terrorist McVeigh choose the wrong administration - and terrorist Osama bin Laden, by luck of the draw, chose the right one - to harm American democracy.
The Turner Diaries is an apocalyptic novel that opens with a convenience store robbery and ends with an Armageddon-style worldwide holocaust leaving only white Anglo-Saxon Protestants standing. The government of the United States responds to a terrorist attack (the bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma) by cracking down on dissent, expanding the power of the Executive Branch, and shredding constitutional civil rights protections. White "patriots" respond by declaring war against the government that had once tried to take away their guns. Thus begins the cycle of violence that ends with the ultimate worldwide war, a vision straight out of the Book of Revelation.
But Tim McVeigh's expectation of a repressive federal reaction to his right-wing terrorism ran into a snag: Bill Clinton knew the difference between a rogue nation and a rogue criminal.
Like every President since George Washington, Bill Clinton knew that nations only declare war against nations. While armies deal with rogue states, police deal with criminals, be they domestic or international.
Like Germany's response to the Red Army Faction, Italy's response to The Red Brigades, and Greece's response to the 17 November terrorist group (among others), Clinton brought the full force of the criminal justice system against McVeigh, and even had Interpol and overseas police agencies looking for possible McVeigh affiliates. The result was that the trauma of the Oklahoma City terrorist bombing was limited, closure was achieved for its victims, the civil rights of all Americans were largely left intact, and the United States government was able to get back to it's constitutionally-defined job of ensuring life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for its citizens.
Every President from Washington to Clinton understood the logic expressed by our founders when James Madison, on April 20, 1795, wrote: "Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes. And armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.
"In war, too," Madison continued, "the discretionary power of the Executive [Branch of Government] is extended. Its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds are added to those of subduing the force of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war...and in the degeneracy of manners and morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare."
Although numerous recent presidents have declared "wars" on abstractions like poverty, illiteracy, drugs, and a variety of other social ills, all were well aware that these so-called "wars" were, in truth, just politically useful rhetoric. Real war can only be declared by one nation against another: it's not possible to declare a war against an abstraction.
The crime of 911 has been often cited to rationalize the loss of civil liberties and the ongoing traumatizing of the American people with daily "Terror Alerts" and a never-ending "war on terror."
But 911 wasn't an act of war, because it wasn't done against us by a nation. It was, instead, a crime, perpetrated by a criminal and his followers.
It was a horrific crime, certainly. A crime that required strong, swift, and sure response. A crime that other nations, corporations, and individuals may have abetted and must be held accountable for both domestically and in the international venues of the United Nations and the International Criminal Court. A crime deserving a thorough investigation (which has yet to begin).
But Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda are not nations. Bin Laden was a criminal, and his group was a Middle Eastern sort of mafia with terrorist ambitions, initially funded by Poppy bin Laden, who was coincidentally a business partner with Poppy Bush. And, according to most of the world's police and intelligence agencies, Osama is dead (or dying) and his organization is in tatters.
To continue using our military against a criminal organization will only compound the horrific crime of 911, because armies aren't particularly good at police work.
It's time to restore civil liberties to Americans; reign in an Executive Branch intoxicated by warfare; and hand over to American and international police agencies the very real and very big job of dealing with the remnants of al Qaeda around the world, and prevent a recurrence of 911 by investigating who was involved and how they pulled it off in the first place.
Anything less will simply perpetuate this crime of the century.
Thom Hartmann (thom at thomhartmann.com) is the author of "Unequal Protection: The Rise Of Corporate Dominance And The Theft Of Human Rights" and hosts a nationally syndicated daily radio talk show on the i.e. America Radio Network. www.thomhartmann.com and www.ieamericaradio.com This article is copyright by Thom Hartmann, but permission is granted for reprint in print, email, blog, or web media so long as this credit is attached.
Wednesday, April 30, 2003
Saturday, April 26, 2003
Emporer Bush
Is Bush taking lessons from Julius Caesar? Apparently so. When Caesar's short but bloody conquest of the Celtic tribes led to the founding of the Roman province of Gaul (modern France) in 52 B.C. he divided the country into three parts. Well-connected sources tell us that Bush plans to divide Iraq into three parts as well: Premium, regular and unleaded.
Editor's cut by Katrina vanden Heuvel at the The Nation
Editor's cut by Katrina vanden Heuvel at the The Nation
Monday, April 21, 2003
Here, Look At This
Is it possible for me to go to a bookstore and leave without a book? I'm starting to think it's not. I enjoy perusing the shelves taking down one book and then another. Reading the flap, holding it, turning a page or two, perhaps taking the book to a comfortable chair and reading a chapter. It is a special moment when a book captures my interest. Sharing the experience with others is like the bloom on a flower a definite plus. Tim, Chris and I descend on the 21st South Barnes and Noble and no sooner through the door than each of us begins gravitating towards his own favorite section, coming together occasionally to discuss our finds and share a moment. This sometimes leads to taking a book off the shelf and handing it to another. Look at this, I think you'll find it interesting. Chris hands me William Gibson's latest Pattern Recognition
"I've heard this is very good," I say.
"Read the flap," he says, I do.
"Damn, I will have to buy this, but not today."
"I think I'll buy it when it comes out in paperback, or perhaps I'll just pick up a copy at the library. It will be a while before I can read it though," he says.
His stack of books to read is nearly as high as mine. Later I return the favor, handing him a book with the exhortation to check it out. Sometimes like today it degenerates into a silly game of picking a book at random and handing it to whoever is nearest. Followed by the take a look at this you'll find it interesting comment, a smile, and walking away. I always find something to buy. I don't always buy something, but I always find something I want to buy. I spot an interesting title The Best American Essays of the Century. I'm fond of the essay form. Hmmm Twain, Hemingway, William James, Vladimir Nabokov, Annie Dillard. Shelley has spoken fondly of Dillard essays, oh and look a favorite of mine John Updike an essay from 1993. Interesting title "The Disposable Rocket" I take a seat and start to read
It's just a feeling. The space in front of me empty moments ago is now occupied. I look up, Tim extends his arm handing me a book. I take it unable to resist. You'll find it interesting he says, smiles and walks away. I set it aside, the moment broken, but a decision made. I will not be leaving the store without this collection of essays. As we walk to the front of the store to complete my purchase I'm tempted to pick up a book at random and hand it to the first stranger I encounter with an admonition; look at this I think you'll find it interesting. The urge passes. I make it through the checkout and home. I finish the Updike piece I'd started. I like it. Is it possible for me to go to a bookstore and leave without a book?
"I've heard this is very good," I say.
"Read the flap," he says, I do.
"Damn, I will have to buy this, but not today."
"I think I'll buy it when it comes out in paperback, or perhaps I'll just pick up a copy at the library. It will be a while before I can read it though," he says.
His stack of books to read is nearly as high as mine. Later I return the favor, handing him a book with the exhortation to check it out. Sometimes like today it degenerates into a silly game of picking a book at random and handing it to whoever is nearest. Followed by the take a look at this you'll find it interesting comment, a smile, and walking away. I always find something to buy. I don't always buy something, but I always find something I want to buy. I spot an interesting title The Best American Essays of the Century. I'm fond of the essay form. Hmmm Twain, Hemingway, William James, Vladimir Nabokov, Annie Dillard. Shelley has spoken fondly of Dillard essays, oh and look a favorite of mine John Updike an essay from 1993. Interesting title "The Disposable Rocket" I take a seat and start to read
Inhabiting a male body is much like having a bank account; as long as it's healthy, you don't think much about it. Compared to the female body, it is a low-maintenance proposition: a shower now and then, trim the fingernails every ten days, a haircut once a month. Oh yes, shaving — scraping or buzzing away at your face every morning. Byron, in Don Juan, thought the repeated nuisance of shaving balanced out the periodic agony, for females, of childbirth. Women are, his lines tell us,Condemn'd to child-bed as men for their sins
Have shaving too entail'd upon their chins, —
A daily plague, which in the aggregate
May average on the whole with parturition.
From the standpoint of reproduction, the male body is a delivery system, as the female is a mazy device for retention. Once the delivery is made, men feel a faint but distinct falling-off of interest. Yet against the superhuman frenzy to deliver his goods: he vaults walls, skips sleep, risks wallet, health, and his political future all to ram home his seed into the gut of the chosen woman. The sense of the chase lives in him as the key to live. His body is, like a delivery rocket that falls way in space, a disposable means. Men put their bodies at risk to experience the release from gravity.
It's just a feeling. The space in front of me empty moments ago is now occupied. I look up, Tim extends his arm handing me a book. I take it unable to resist. You'll find it interesting he says, smiles and walks away. I set it aside, the moment broken, but a decision made. I will not be leaving the store without this collection of essays. As we walk to the front of the store to complete my purchase I'm tempted to pick up a book at random and hand it to the first stranger I encounter with an admonition; look at this I think you'll find it interesting. The urge passes. I make it through the checkout and home. I finish the Updike piece I'd started. I like it. Is it possible for me to go to a bookstore and leave without a book?
I love pot
Cannabis, the third most popular recreational drug after alcohol and tobacco, could win a new role as the aspirin of the 21st century, with growing evidence that its compounds may protect the brain against the damaging effects of ageing.
Saturday, April 12, 2003
Got Ya
Telephone conversation between George Bush and Al Jazeera after the recent unpleasantness in Baghdad.
AJ: George
G: Yes, who is this? How did you get this number?
AJ: Never mind about that. This is Al Jazeera
G: Al who. Is that you Gore?
AJ: No George, this is Al Jazeera the television network
G: You guys still around I uh I mean what do you want?
AJ: George, we just want you to know that we are willing to let bygones be bygones.
G: Yeah, well okay.
AJ: George we have new GPS coordinates.
G: GPS what?
AJ: GPS coordinates of our new location so there will be no more mistakes.
G: You've got my attention.
AJ: Are you ready to write down the coordinates.
G: Ready
AJ: Okay here they are Latitude: 38.898556 degrees Longitude: -77.037852
G: Hey thanks I got ya.
AJ: George
G: Yes, who is this? How did you get this number?
AJ: Never mind about that. This is Al Jazeera
G: Al who. Is that you Gore?
AJ: No George, this is Al Jazeera the television network
G: You guys still around I uh I mean what do you want?
AJ: George, we just want you to know that we are willing to let bygones be bygones.
G: Yeah, well okay.
AJ: George we have new GPS coordinates.
G: GPS what?
AJ: GPS coordinates of our new location so there will be no more mistakes.
G: You've got my attention.
AJ: Are you ready to write down the coordinates.
G: Ready
AJ: Okay here they are Latitude: 38.898556 degrees Longitude: -77.037852
G: Hey thanks I got ya.
Wednesday, April 09, 2003
Anti-War Songs
All the songs listed below are available for download by following the link. Those with "Download" are the direct links others require additional steps to download.
Last updated: 04/30/03
Joyce Anderson Filled With Love* Download
Beanie The Singing Dog Beanie For Peace Download
Beastie Boys- In A World Gone Mad *Download
James Blundell Back It Up*
Everton Blender Bush and Saddam (reggae)Download
jonatha brooke War* Download
Billy Bragg - The Price of Oil *Download
Chumbawamba - Jacobs Ladder (not in our name) *Download
Paula Cole My Hero, Mr. President * Download
Crucial Crew We Want Peace No More War (original ragga riddim_demo)* Download
Zach de la Rocha and DJ Shadow March of Death *Download
dreas bells of war '03
Pat Flashman No More War DUB Download
Michael Franti Bomb The World & Bomb The World Armegeddon Version * Download
Ani di Franco - Self Evident * Download
Fredwreck Down With U.S. Download Dirty — Download Clean — Download Instrumental
Alan Fletcher Perfectly Comfortable * Download
Sergent Garcia Stop Da War Download Spanish/French Bio Sergent Garcia
Green Day Life During Wartime * Download
CodePINK For Peace by Pat Humphries and Sandy Opatow * Download
Donots & Anti-Flag * Lyrics by Justin SaneDownload
Andrei Hauk Descendent Download
Jynkz We Don't Want Your War * ( video and mp3) Download
John KasperWe're the Enemy *
Lenny Kravitz / Kadim Al Sahir We Want Peace*
Live What Are We Fighting For* (not an official site)
Little Big Men Mr Bush, You Are Not The President Of This WorldDownload Alternate Download
John Mellencamp - To Washington * Download
OutKast B.O.B* Download
REM The Final Straw *
Stephan Smith, The Bell * Download
Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam Peace Train *
TVSMITH Not In Our Name* Download
John Trudell Bombs Over Baghdad* Download
Saul Williams Freestyle Live in No Man's Land (Not in My Name) Download
Additional Sources for Anti-War Songs
Not In Our Name Music site
Protest Records
Centre for Political Song
Anti-War Songs (comprehensive not just the current war)
Anti-War Songs From Germany
* Lyrics to most of the songs are in this text file.
Here are some popular tunes are with new anti-war lyrics.
Everybody Must Get Bombed Bob Dylan Rainy Day Woman apparently revised and now called
World's Ruler It's Paradise to the tune of Cheeseburger in Paradise by Jimmy Buffett
Dubya Can't Wait to the tune of Friday I'm In Love by The Cure
Last updated: 04/30/03
Joyce Anderson Filled With Love* Download
Beanie The Singing Dog Beanie For Peace Download
Beastie Boys- In A World Gone Mad *Download
James Blundell Back It Up*
Everton Blender Bush and Saddam (reggae)Download
jonatha brooke War* Download
Billy Bragg - The Price of Oil *Download
Chumbawamba - Jacobs Ladder (not in our name) *Download
Paula Cole My Hero, Mr. President * Download
Crucial Crew We Want Peace No More War (original ragga riddim_demo)* Download
Zach de la Rocha and DJ Shadow March of Death *Download
dreas bells of war '03
Pat Flashman No More War DUB Download
Michael Franti Bomb The World & Bomb The World Armegeddon Version * Download
Ani di Franco - Self Evident * Download
Fredwreck Down With U.S. Download Dirty — Download Clean — Download Instrumental
Alan Fletcher Perfectly Comfortable * Download
Sergent Garcia Stop Da War Download Spanish/French Bio Sergent Garcia
Green Day Life During Wartime * Download
CodePINK For Peace by Pat Humphries and Sandy Opatow * Download
Donots & Anti-Flag * Lyrics by Justin SaneDownload
Andrei Hauk Descendent Download
Jynkz We Don't Want Your War * ( video and mp3) Download
John KasperWe're the Enemy *
Lenny Kravitz / Kadim Al Sahir We Want Peace*
Live What Are We Fighting For* (not an official site)
Little Big Men Mr Bush, You Are Not The President Of This WorldDownload Alternate Download
John Mellencamp - To Washington * Download
OutKast B.O.B* Download
REM The Final Straw *
Stephan Smith, The Bell * Download
Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam Peace Train *
TVSMITH Not In Our Name* Download
John Trudell Bombs Over Baghdad* Download
Saul Williams Freestyle Live in No Man's Land (Not in My Name) Download
Additional Sources for Anti-War Songs
Not In Our Name Music site
Protest Records
Centre for Political Song
Anti-War Songs (comprehensive not just the current war)
Anti-War Songs From Germany
* Lyrics to most of the songs are in this text file.
Here are some popular tunes are with new anti-war lyrics.
Everybody Must Get Bombed Bob Dylan Rainy Day Woman apparently revised and now called
World's Ruler It's Paradise to the tune of Cheeseburger in Paradise by Jimmy Buffett
Dubya Can't Wait to the tune of Friday I'm In Love by The Cure
Friday, April 04, 2003
Everything's Just Ducky
This missive to Mr. Tom Ridge, the fellow with five crayons in his tool kit, has been been making its way through cyberspace. If anyone knows the orignial source I'd like to give credit where credits due.
To: Dept. of Homeland Security
Dear Sirs:
I am writing to you for further instructions to what the next step is for me to take in protecting my family from possible attacks by terrorists.
I have my duck taped....now what?
To: Dept. of Homeland Security
Dear Sirs:
I am writing to you for further instructions to what the next step is for me to take in protecting my family from possible attacks by terrorists.
I have my duck taped....now what?

Thursday, April 03, 2003
Tuesday, April 01, 2003
A Fixer-Upper
Fools Post Dispatch, Washington D.C.— Lynne and Dick Cheney held an unusual joint press conference today to announce they are selling their Villa in the South of France. Fuck the French said Dick under his breath. Lynne smiled. Asked where they would now spend their winters they said they had their eyes on a Palace somewhere in Iraq. It's a fixer-upper said Lynne, but it really has potential. Dick said it is "so damn" nice, he then smiled. They left arm-in-arm.
There are other important stores on Dick and Lynne today. Links here
There are other important stores on Dick and Lynne today. Links here
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